How to setup Pilario's end user communication feature ?

Welcome to our quick guide on using the 'End User Communication' feature to highlight your sustainability initiatives.

Create compelling Embeds and Stand-Alone Landing Pages to inform stakeholders about your products' environmental efforts. 

This guide will help you communicate your sustainability commitment effectively.

The key steps include:

  1. Setting up Embeds
  2. Setting up Stand-Alone Landing Pages
  3. Effectively showcasing your products' sustainability efforts

1. Set Up Embeds

Navigate: User profile > Settings  >Embeds > “+ add embed”

Here, you can setup your own embed:

  1. Choose your model: Select the appropriate LCA model for your product.
  2. Name your embed, 
  3. select the model, 
  4. decide on the number of columns, 
  5. Add fields depending on the LCA indicators or inputs you wish to display in each column
  6. Name your fields
  7. Choose which indicator to showcase in each field
  8. Enhance your communication by adding icons for each indicator
  9. Click “save”


2. Set Up Standalone Landing Pages

Navigate: User profile > Settings  >Embeds > “+ add standalone”

Follow the same steps as setting up an Embed to create a Stand-Alone Landing Page. This allows for a dedicated landing page to communicate detailed sustainability information about your products.

3. Communicate About Your Product 

Navigate: Product section > click on a product > Actions > Share 

  • For an Embed: Choose 'Embed' to generate an iframe code for placement on specific webpages, seamlessly integrating your sustainability message.
  • For a Stand-Alone Landing Page: Find the 'Share Link' to access the link to your newly created page, sharing of your product's sustainability information.

Troubleshooting and Support

Should you encounter any challenges, our support team at is here to assist. Whether it's technical difficulties, inquiries, or feedback, we're committed to providing the support you need for a smooth and impactful 'End User Communication' setup.