How to use Pilario for Data Collection via submissions

Discover how Pilario's user-friendly interface, trusted relationships, and data anonymity features through forms and dashboards make it a valuable tool for data collection

Some users, being part of a federation or consortium, might want to use Pilario as a data collection tool due to the simplicity of the platform, the already established trust relationships and/or to avoid dealing with third parties to ensure data anonymity. Pilario addresses these needs via the data collection forms and dashboards which is covered in detail in the article How to configure Pilario for Data Collection.

This article explains how members of the federation can submit their data.

Please keep in mind that to create and analyse data using forms and dashboards, you will need to have a Professional licence plan. However, all users, regardless of their licence, can still submit data through the platform.

Submitting data

In order to submit data, go to the Data Collections item in the left menu bar where a list of all the forms that have been shared with the current organisation will be visible.

To create a new submission, create on the ➕ icon located next to the form. This will open a new page with the form. Fill the form and click on submit at the bottom page. Once this is done data will be available for the Collector to generate reports.

If the Collector has made some fields mandatory the submission will not be possible until all of the fields have been filled.

Reopening a form

If a Submitter wants to modify the data provided in a form they can do so by reopening the form. If a form is reopen but not submitted will be displayed as draft. Data from draft submissions will not be available for the Collector to generate reports.