A Guide to Pilario’s Licenses, LCA Models, and Solutions

Discover how to seamlessly integrate Pilario’s licenses, LCA models, and solutions for a tailored and effective sustainability journey.

Welcome to Pilario, our SaaS platform designed to streamline and enhance your LCA analysis. Understanding how our licences fit with the collection of predefined LCA models is crucial for leveraging the full potential of Pilario. 

This article aims to clarify how you can maximize the synergy between Pilario’s licenses, LCA models and solutions to suit your specific needs, ensuring a smooth start and efficient progression on your sustainability journey. 

1. Understanding our licenses : essential, professional, and enterprise

We offer a tailored approach to Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) with three distinct license tiers designed to meet the varying needs of businesses at different stages of sustainability integration. Whether you are new to LCA, a seasoned sustainability expert, or an LCA specialist looking to fully integrate and automate processes, Pilario has a solution for you.

Essential License

Ideal For: Startups and small organizations looking to perform simple LCA analyses per product without the need for extensive sustainability expertise.

Professional License 

Ideal For: Professionals responsible for managing and reporting on the sustainability impact of a broad product portfolio, requiring detailed analyses and sophisticated reporting tools.

Enterprise License

Ideal For: Large organizations and LCA specialists seeking to generate detailed LCA reporting, automate sustainability processes, and fully integrate LCA practices into their operational and decision-making frameworks. All while gathering complete product data from your entire supply chain.

2. Understanding predefined LCA models

2.1 Predefined LCA models

Every new user of Pilario has access to one predefined compliant LCA model, typically related to their industry sector. Additional predefined LCA models are available at a fixed price. This approach ensures that users can expand their analytical capabilities without encountering unexpected costs.

Here is a break of the access to predefined models for each Pilario license:

  • Essential License: Access to 1 predefined LCA model based on your industry. Expand your options with additional LCA models at a fixed price.
  • Professional License: Dive deeper with 2 predefined LCA models included.
  • Enterprise License: Access a variety of additional predefined models for flexible assessment needs.

2.2 Expanding your LCA analysis with additional models

Recognizing the needs of our users, we offer the flexibility to acquire additional predefined LCA models.

For example: Imagine a brewer who initially uses the PEFCR Beer model to assess their sustainability. Now, they want to dive deeper and understand the environmental impact of their packaging. Our pre-built LCA Packaging model allows them to do just that. It seamlessly integrates with their existing PEFCR Beer analysis, giving them a complete picture of their product's environmental footprint.

3. Leveraging our solutions for comprehensive LCA analysis

Aside from the different LCA models we offer additional solutions to boost your LCA analysis, available with any license.

Brief overview of current solutions included in each license: 

  • EcoDesign:
    Our ecodesign solution empowers users to identify and mitigate environmental hotspots within your LCA analysis, offers real-time feedback for experimenting with sustainable design choices, and elevates product eco-efficiency beyond standard benchmarks, facilitating the creation of greener, innovative products
  • End User Communication:
    Our end user communication solution revolutionizes environmental transparency, bridging the gap between your sustainability efforts and customer awareness. By simplifying access to environmental data through QR codes, iFrame, and a customizable API for seamless website and app integration, it enables dynamic sharing of your product's environmental impact, enhancing engagement with eco-conscious consumers and stakeholders.
  • Eco Contribution:
    We simplify EPR compliance by centralizing environmental data for automatic declaration generation and sharing with eco-organizations, enhancing product recyclability to reduce eco-contributions. Our platform offers centralized data management, adaptable declaration generation, and innovative tools to visualize and optimize eco-contributions.

Depending on your license, you can present LCA results in Pilario-branded reports or with your own custom branding.

Additional information 

  • If you need any further information, please don't hesitate to reach out to our support team at support@pilario.com. They will be happy to assist you with any questions or concerns you may have.
  • For more detailed information about our solutions, licenses, and the various predefined LCA models, please visit our website.