The functional unit (FEBE model)

This article covers in detail the functional unit used in the concrete / FEBE model

According to EN 15804+A2 (section, the functional unit of a construction product
shall specify:

  • The application of a product or product groups covered by the functional unit;
  • The reference quantity for the functional unit when integrated in the construction
  • The quantified key properties, when integrated into a building, for the functional
    use, quantified performance characteristics or minimum performance of the
    construction product, taking into account the functional equivalent of the
  • The minimum performance characteristics under defined conditions shall be
    fulfilled over the defined time period of the functional unit;
  • Specified period of time under reference in-use conditions considering the RSL.
    If the functional unit uses a different time period than the RSL, the RSL shall be
    given as technical information in the EPD.

In terms of reference quantity, three main categories of functional unit can be defined:
  • Functional unit based on product area: used for products with a function expressed in two dimensions (e.g. walls, panels, pre-walls or floor and roof coverings). The common unit is one m2.
    E.g. Roof tiles: Ensure the waterproof covering of 1m2 of roof
  • Functional unit based on one product dimension (length/height): used for products with a function expressed in one dimension (e.g. curbs, gutters, columns, beams, etc.). The common unit is one m.
    E.g. Curb: Ensure the bordering of a sidewalk on a length of 1m.
  • Other: some products have a specific function, which may not be generalized or expressed by using one or two dimensions. This is the case for instance for products such as:
    • Stairways: allow to overcome one meter of height
    • Manholes: allow the inspection of conducts; in this example, the reference quantity corresponds to one item.

In Pilario, users can create products out of the 54 predefined templates. Depending on the template chosen, the functional unit will be automatically selected. The table below lists all the available predefined concrete products and its functional units as well as:

  • The Reference Service Life (RSL) as specified by the standard EN 15804
  • The scenario (S) guidance, as per the EN 16757:2017 Annex AA, see the specific table further below.

For more information check the methodological report

Name of the product

RSL (years)

Functional unit


Architectonic concrete façade elements - reinforced


Ensure outerwear on one m² of building facade by helping to ensure air and water tightness and providing additive acoustic insulation Rw (C; Ctr) of 59 dB and a REI 180 for a reference service life of 100 years


Architectonic concrete facade elements - white - reinforced


Architectonic concrete facade elements - pigments - reinforced


Architectonic concrete facade elements - with insulation - reinforced


Ensure outerwear on one m² of building facade by helping to ensure air and water tightness and providing additive acoustic insulation Rw (C; Ctr) of 59 dB, thermal insulation of 5 m².K/W and a REI 180, for a reference service life of 100 years


Architectonic concrete facade elements - with insulation - pigments - reinforced


Architectonic concrete facade elements - white - reinforced - insulation


Architectonic concrete facade elements - white with pigments - reinforced - insulation


Architectonic concrete facade elements - white with pigments - reinforced


Beam - reinforced


Ensure on one linear meter of beam of section 0,20 x 0,35 meters, load descents of 12 kN/m for the building considered while having a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years


Beam - prestressed


Beam for beam-and-block floor system - prestressed


Ensure the structural part of one m² of flagstone made out of beams and interjoists, with a centre of 0.6 m and a payload of 4 kN/m² for the considered building, while having a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years


Beam for beam-and-block floor system - reinforced


Block for beam-and-block floor system


Perform the function of formwork for one m² of flagstone made out of beams and interjoists, with a centre of 0.6 m and a payload of 4 kN/m² for the considered building, while having a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years


Blocks - without pigments


Perform the function of supporting wall (structure and nails) on one m² wall, while ensuring an acoustic insulation (Rw (C, Ctr) 54 dB additive to that of a dubbing) with a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years


Blocks - with pigments


Blocks (lightweight concrete) for thermal insulation (1 m³)


Perform the function of supporting wall (structure and nails) of one m² wall, while ensuring acoustic insulation (Rw (C, Ctr) 49 dB additive to that of a dubbing) and a thermal insulation (thermal resistance of 0.31 m².K/W additive to that of a dubbing) with a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years

Column - reinforced


Ensure on one linear meter of column of section 0,30 x 0,30 meter, load descents of 5 kN/m for the considered building while having a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years




Ensure the bordering of a sidewalk, street or a public space on one meter, for a reference service life of 50 years


Curb - with pigments


Electric post


Ensure one support of electric cables applying a force of 2 kN, at a height of 10 m, for a reference service life of 100 years


Floor plate - prestressed


Form the lower part (formwork and resistance) of one m² of floor that can support a normal load and having a REI 30, for a reference service life of 100 years


Floor plate - reinforced


Floor slats for livestock


Ensure the sustainment of livestock on one m² while allowing the passage downwards of livestock dejecta, for a reference service life of 25 years


Footing - reinforced


Ensure the load transmission of a structure to one m² of foundation floor, for a reference service life of 50 years




Ensure the collection of runoff water on one linear meter, for a reference service life of 50 years


Gutter - with pigments


Hollow core slab - reinforced


Constitute one m² of flooring able to support a load of 4,5 kN/m² and having a REI 30, for a reference service life of 100 years


Hollow core slab - reinforced concrete, with insulation


Constitute one m² of flooring able to support a load of 4,5 kN/m², with a thermal insulation of 2,836 m².K/W (additive to that of a dubbing) and a REI 30, for a reference service life of 100 years

Hollow core slab - prestressed


Constitute one m² of flooring able to support a load of 6 kN/m², and having a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years

Hollow core slab - prestressed concrete, with insulation


Constitute one m² of flooring able to support a load of 6 kN/m², with a thermal insulation of 2,836 m².K/W (additive to that of a dubbing) and a REI 60, for a reference service life of 100 years

Manhole - base element


Constitute one element of a manhole system, which ensures, in addition to ventilation, access by staff for cleaning and inspection of drain or sewer networks conveying wastewater, rainwater and surface water through gravity flow or occasionally under low pressure, installed in areas subject to road or pedestrian traffic, for a reference service life of 100 years


Manhole - shaft elements


Manhole - cover


Manhole - fitting ring


Panels - reinforced


Perform the function of supporting wall (structure and nails) of one m² wall, while ensuring acoustic insulation (Rw (C, Ctr) of 59 dB additive to that of a dubbing) and a REI 180, for a reference service life of 100 years


Panels - reinforced, with insulation, with connectors


Perform the function of supporting wall (structure and nails) of one m² wall, while ensuring acoustic insulation (Rw (C, Ctr) of 59 dB additive to that of a dubbing) and a thermal insulation (thermal resistance 5 m²K/W additive to that of a dubbing) and a REI 180, for a reference service life of 100 years

Paving blocks


Ensure the coating of one m² of road or public space. The coating is made to withstand pedestrian traffic loads and an occasional traffic, for a reference service life of 50 years


Paving blocks - with white cement


Paving blocks - with white cement and pigments


Paving blocks - with pigments


Paving flags


Ensure the coating of one m² of road or public space. The coating is made to withstand pedestrian traffic loads and an occasional traffic, for a reference service life of 50 years


Paving flags - with white cement


Paving flags - with white cement and pigments


Paving flags - with pigments


Pipe - reinforced - with seal


Provide transportation on one linear meter of wastewater, stormwater or surface water by gravity flow or occasionally at low pressure, with a diameter of pipe of 1000 mm and with a thickness of 125mm, for a reference service life of 100 years


Pipe - with seal


Provide transportation on one linear meter of wastewater, stormwater or surface water by gravity flow or occasionally at low pressure, with a diameter of pipe of 1000 mm and with a thickness of 125mm, for a reference service life of 100 years

Pipe - fibered - with seal


Provide transportation on one linear meter of wastewater, stormwater or surface water by gravity flow or occasionally at low pressure, with a diameter of pipe of 600 mm and with a thickness of 80mm, for a reference service life of 100 years

Pit (rainwater)


Ensure the pretreatment of wastewater (from rainwater) in a system for up to 50 PT*, for a reference service life of 100 years


Pit (septic)


Ensure the pretreatment of domestic wastewater in a system for up to 50 PT, for a reference service life of 100 years.



Perform the function of supporting wall (structure and nails) of one m² wall. with a REI 30, for a reference service life of 100 years


Pre-wall - with insulation and connectors


Perform the function of supporting wall (structure and nails) of one m² wall, while ensuring a thermal insulation (thermal resistance of 4.733 m².K/W additive to that of a dubbing) and a REI 30, for a reference service life of 100 years

Reinforced stairway (one piece)


Allow to overcome a difference of height of one meter on a passing width of 120 cm with a REI 30, for a reference service life of 100 years




Provide the function of coverage and waterproofing for one m² of roof, for a reference service life of 50 years


Tile - with pigments


PT* stands for “Population total”; 50 PT means 50 inhabitants.

Table bleow represents the scenarios and their corresponding RSL.





Structural concrete or concrete elements for buildings (exterior)

(Wall elements)

If known, equal to the ReqSL* of the construction work.

If not, data assumed in some countries may be used as guidance, (normally 100 years)


Structural concrete or concrete elements for buildings (interior)

(e.g. Floor elements)

If known, equal to the ReqSL of the construction work.

If not, data assumed in some countries may be used as guidance, (usually 100 years)


Non-structural elements for buildings (exterior)

(e.g. Non-load-bearing facade)

Data assumed in some countries may be used as guidance (usually 50 years)


Structural concrete or concrete elements for civil engineering works

(e.g. Beam, column, box culverts)

If known, equal to the ReqSL of the construction work.

If not, data assumed in some countries may be used as guidance, (usually 100 years)


Elements for street works

(e.g. Sound barrier, kerb paving block)

Data assumed in some countries may be used as guidance (usually 50 years)


Elements for sewerage and draining systems

(e.g. Pipe, manhole)

If known, equal to the ReqSL of the construction work.

If not, data assumed in some countries may be used as guidance, (usually 100 years)


Non-structural elements for agricultural constructions

(e.g. Floor slats for livestock)

Data assumed in some countries may be used as guidance (usually 25 years)

ReqSL* stands for required service life, i.e. service life structural concrete elements are designed for.