What are the different types of Polyethylene production you can use in Pilario?

See what are the production steps covered by each type of production in the figures below.

The packagingPET LCA model in Pilario implements different PET production processes, where the user can specify different input parameters.

In the image below we can see how the PET production submodel is hidden from the input list of parameters, until the user inputs a specific PET weight for the component.

In the PET production submodel, the user can define the type of PET production from the available processes in the model which enable different input parameters.

  • PET - Generic production
  • PET - Specific production
  • PET - Generic recycling
  • rPET - Specific chemical recycling
  • rPET - Specific mechanical recycling
  • Specific PET - LCIA impacts

The images below can help the user understand which input parameters will be displayed as available inputs depending ont he PET production model selected.

PET - Generic production

The user cannot specify any parameter.

PET - Specific production

The user can specify parameters for

  • Raw materials
  • Energy
  • Upstream transport

PET - Generic recycling

The user can specify parameters for

  • Raw materials (share of rPET flakes and rPET pellets)
  • Upstream transport

rPET - Specific chemical recycling

The user can specify parameters for

  • Raw materials
  • Energy
  • Emissions and waste
  • Upstream transport

rPET - Specific mechanical recycling

The user can specify parameters for

  • Sorting Factory
  • Sorting - Process
  • Recycling Factory
  • Recycling - PET Waste purification
  • Recycling - PET Flakes production
  • Recycling - PET Pellets production
  • Upstream transport

Specific PET - LCIA impacts

The user can specify parameters for each indicator of the LCA.

Additional info

The following image represents the whole PET production model which can help the user identifying the process needed.

Petcore specific LCI PET production steps