How to manage team members in Pilario

Discover how to efficiently handle your organization's team members in Pilario with this comprehensive guide. Explore the steps to invite, update, delete, and export users effortlessly.

Within the Team Members tab, under your general settings, user administrators can easily view and manage the organisation's membership. This includes inviting new members, adjusting administrative privileges, exporting the list of users, and removing members when necessary.

In order to open the Team Members tab:

  1. Click on Settings on the left bar menu
  2. Click on Team Members

settings_team_membersFrom the Team Members page, you can perform several actions as described in the subsections below. Please note that a search box exists at the top section of the page and by starting typing in the box the page will search the users matching the search string.

Inviting new members

To add new members to your organisation, an administrator can proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the Invite team member button located in the upper right corner.
  2. Fill in the form with all the information
  3. Click on the Invite button

The member will receive an email with a link to activate their account and start using Pilario.

Pilario proposes a default set of permissions that might work out of the box in most of the cases. However, you can adjust them according to your needs. You can learn more about the permissions in the Understanding team member's permissions page.

When inviting new members, you will need to provide a Firstname, Lastname and Email. Pay special attention to providing the correct information there as this can not be changed in the future. If you have made a mistake and you need to change any of those three fields please contact us at

Adjusting members privileges

An administrator might need to review or modify the specific permissions that have been granted to a specific team member. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the specific team member that needs to be updated
  2. Modify the permissions for the specific element(s)
  3. Click on the Save button

A pop-up will be displayed confirming these changes.


Please refer to the Understanding team member's permissions page in order to understand in depth the different types of permissions available in Pilario.

Exporting members

An administrator might want to export a list of users present in their organisation, this list can be afterwards used locally for administrative purposes, for example. It can be particularly useful in organisations with a big number of members. To do so, click on the Export button, next to the Search box and select the desired file to be downloaded: Excel (.xls) or comma separated values (.csv)


Removing members

An administrator might want to remove a team member from their organisation. Proceed as follows:

  1. Click on the dustbin button displayed next to specific member
  2. Confirm the operation by clicking on the Delete button of the pop-up

A pop-up will be displayed confirming the deletion of the user.

remove user

Important: this operation cannot be undone, please make sure you want to remove that user before proceeding.

However, note that removing a user from Pilario will prevent the user from further access to the system, but none of their work will be lost and references to the user (i.e. a Product created by that user, will still display their email address).