Natural Mineral Waters Europe: Water Use Ratio survey

This article explains the full process on how to fill the Water Use Ratio survey by the Natural Mineral Waters Europe

As mentioned in our article How to use Pilario for Data Collection via submissions, Pilario is a great tool to be used for Data Collection due to its key features like centralized analysis and anonymity.

Since 2011, Natural Mineral Waters Europe (NMWE) has been monitoring the water production
efficiency performance of its members. To do so, the NMWE has developed the BIER (Beverage Industry Environmental Roundtable), a methodology which generates a functional unit named Water Use Ratio (WUR). As a NMWE federation member, you might be requested to fill out the WUR (Water Use Ration) survey carried out periodically.

Self registering in Pilario

As a member of NMWE it is likely that you already have an account in Pilario. If that's the case you can skip directly to the next section.

Self registering via link

If you do not have yet an account, you should have received an invitation from NMWE where you can self register in order to use the tool and fill the WUR ratio. Opening the link will bring you to the registration page.

In this page you must complete the following self-explanatory fields:

  • Organisation name
  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email
  • Agree to the terms

Make sure you enter correctly your email as this address will be used to send you the login steps. Adding other members to the organisation (How to manage team members in Pilario) or changing the organisation name or your details can be done later from within the app.

Please note that if you need to change the language to either French or Dutch, you can use the upper right button.

After pressing in the Continue button, you will be informed that you are account has been created and you should check your inbox for an email from Pilario.

Account activation

The email received will allow you to access your organisation account in Pilario, but before you will need to set a password for your user account.

The email will bring you to this page, where you are asked to click to proceed. 

Define a password for your account, note that it must contain:

  • At least a capital letter
  • At least a non-capital letter
  • At least one special character
  • A minimum length of 10 characters

Once you have defined your password, and you click on the Submit button, you will be presented with the following screen.

You are now ready to start using Pilario!

Filling the WUR survey form

When connecting to Pilario for the first time, you might be presented with a guided tour on its main features. In this tour we will explain the main features of the tool but if you want to skip directly to fill the WUR survey, you can do that by going on the left menu to the Data Collection > Submission item.

In the submissions page you should see all the forms that have been sharing with you, among them, you should see the NWME WUR Survey. By clicking in the ➕ button, on the column Actions, you will create a new submission.

The survey contains several elements that you will need to fill in. Those marked with an asterisk are considered mandatory, and you will need to provide before continuing. Once you have completed all the information, make sure you read and check the terms and click on the Submit button at the end.

You are done completing the survey! If you need to fill it several times, like submitting information for other years, you can just click on the ➕ as many times as you need.

Video tutorials

If you prefer to follow the instructions in a video format, you can do that here below:

How to self-register in Pilario

How to access Pilario for the WUR Survey submission